Home DIY

Craft Room Reveal!

Rick and I moved into our new house in July of last year. It was kind of a weird time to move–pandemic shutdowns having semi-recently just begun and social upheaval sparking in the cities–but a fantastic opportunity to settle ourselves into a quiet suburban split-level on a generous lot. Being office drones meant we were suddenly able to work from home, and working from home meant we actually got to enjoy our new space!

It was baked into our decision to buy the house that the downstairs main room would make a pretty healthy craft studio…

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Books and Media

Meik Wiking’s Little Book of Hygge

English-speaking Americans might be hard-pressed to find just one word that describes the sense of utter peace and contentment that certain things—objects, activities, scents—can bring into our lives. Things like toasting marshmallows over a campfire with close friends and family members, or curling up on the couch with a steaming beverage and a good book: these are the kinds of things the Danes might call “hyggelige”.

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Short Stories

Vera and the Witch

Here’s another short story from back in my college days, when I was taking courses in creative writing.

I’ve taken some liberties with Baba Yaga in this tale and created my own lost girl to meet with her. This Baba is a lot more like a grumpy old Sophie Hatter than the devilish pestle-wielding crone in the Cinderella-adjacent story of Vasilisa, but there have been many Babas Yaga in Slavic folklore–sometimes multiple in the same tale–so I don’t think I’ve strayed too far beyond the realms of possibility here.

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Home DIY

Craft Tables Coming Together

So far: We have some old bookcases, dismantled and cut down to a variety of heights. These, along with a few drawer units from IKEA, make up the bases of all of our workstations. We also have a couple of MDF panels, one of which has been ripped down the middle and pared down to various new lengths; these are our table tops.

Our next order of business: Paint the bookcases, assemble the table tops, and then paint those, too.

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