Home DIY

A Slatwall Side-Quest

I began my optimistic search for slatwall only to discover that it is a lot more expensive than I’d bargained for. (I’m not sure what I expected, exactly, but it certainly wasn’t $100+ per panel.)

So, after a poke at ye olde List of Craig, I found a place called Carlson Fixtures, a display supplier for retailers, located a mere five miles from my new abode–and they were moving, which meant they had some extraneous old stock to get rid of…

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Home DIY

From Bookcase to Table Base

Here we are at the beginning. And in the beginning, so I am told, the world was created. And only after the mouth of the sea and the teeth of the mountains and the crown of the sky were created–only then, when the setting was set and the fruit was ripe, did little people made of corn and clay toddle around the world’s expanse, exploring and making more things out of other things.

It seems right, then, that before I get into any sewing or crafting or other experiments of a similar scale, I should first will into being a good environment in which such things may be accomplished.

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